Mon-Fri 8am-8.30pm, Sat-Sun 8.30am-8pm.

Corporate Property Purchases

Corporate Categories

For Property Professionals

Welcome to our bespoke corporate section, designed with the professional adviser in mind.

It’s not every house which will be sold by its immediate owner.  A range of professionals routinely need to dispose of a property on behalf of a client.

Those disciplines are wide and varied but we have tried to identify the trusted occupations which may welcome assistance in the property market.

It may be an estate agent who has had a particular home on their books for too long.  Or a solicitor, acting as a trustee or executor for an estate.

Please browse our corporate section and get in touch if you think we can help.

Estate Agents

Move Quick offers estate agents and their clients a rare window of opportunity in today's housing market.

We open up a whole new avenue to house sellers and their agents for a start our intervention does away with the dreaded chain we can release clear funds within a relatively short time when agreeing a sale.

This allows your house seller to move on and with an offer not dependant on a sale puts them in a strong position to negotiate a discount on their chosen property.  We may not be the perfect solution to every sticking house sale but more and more we believe we will be able to offer house sellers peace of mind with their house move.

House Builders and Developers

House-builders and developers are sitting on millions of pounds worth of unsold properties as prospective homeowners play cautious with their cash.

House building developers could be sitting with unsold properties or part exchange properties which have been traded in by new customers.  Move Quick can offer a clean and comfortable exit from these properties which could free up funds which could be better used in new developments, have a fresh look at your portfolio and if a house or flat has been on your books for too long maybe it’s time to Move Quick.

Professional Advisers

For a variety of reasons, professional advisers can frequently find that they have a property which needs to be sold.

It may be a solicitor or an accountant who is acting as an executory of the state perhaps a client of an independent financial adviser needs to sell their home to pay for long term residential care.  Often families discover that they have no need for a home they have inherited and are keen to turn it into cash which can be divided, whatever the reason Move Quick can provide a tailor made service which takes much responsibility away from professional advisers.

Professional advisers are experts in their chosen field, we are experts in the property market so please talk to us.

Part Exchange

Especially designed scheme to give you an edge in today’s property market

Yes, you are likely to receive less for your house than you thought it was worth.

But the great advantage of having clear funds from a buyer like us is that it greatly strengthens your position when it comes to buying a property.

With your purchase not dependent on a sale, you will be in a strong position to negotiate a discount with the house builder or house seller.

When it comes to new-build properties, house builders are realistic people.  They know that anyone approaching them with clear funds will be able to haggle on price.

It’s the same with a private seller.  With little in the way of competition, you will be able to reduce the amount you bid for a property.

Sell Your Buy-to-Let

Like many things at the start of the 21st Century, entering the buy-to-let market probably seemed a good idea.

Tenants were in plentiful supply and there was always the comfort of knowing that your assets would increase in value year after year. Tenants are increasingly defaulting on their rent payment recent studies have shown that one in 5 tenants are in arrears with their payments along with new government legislation and tax changes makes having a buy to let property is not the business it once used to be if all that sounds familiar call Move Quick to see if we can offer you a realistic figure, our professional advisers will treat you fairly and efficiently and won’t waste your time.

Unfinished Property Developments

In the world of property developments things never stay the same banks are very reluctant to invest their funds into the small to medium sized developer.

We are able to look at providing funding packages or alternatively we can look at purchasing the full site.

Showpiece flats or terraced houses that should have provided homes for thousands of families have been abandoned because of the financial crisis.

Often, lenders will not extend funds to complete construction because of fears that units will stand empty once they have been finished.

With on-going security and insurance costs, these derelict sites can become a major drain on resources and can irritate other people living nearby.

Move Quick offers the perfect solution for owners of these properties, whether they be liquidators, receivers, banks or alternative funders.
We are looking for compact sites, small developments of between 6 and 20 units across Scotland that may be short of kitchens, bathrooms or other internal fittings.

Our teams of workmen will move in and finish the project and make them habitable for new occupiers.

Funding Care in Later Life

Elderly people will have many concerns when they face the prospect of long-term residential care.

Having to sell their home should not be one of them.

In Scotland, anyone with assets or income greater than £23,500 is expected to make a major contribution to the cost of keeping them in residential accommodation.

While ‘personal’ care is now free, the hundreds of pounds a week it costs to keep someone in food and lodging is not.

With life expectancy rates increasing all the time, the requirement to pay for care costs could stretch to 20 years or more.

As a result, many people will find it necessary to sell their home to pay for such care.

That’s why we have introduced our ‘Funding Care in Later Life’ service.

We can offer a quick and straightforward release from your property and an assurance that your transaction will be handled compassionately and with dignity.

Move Quick does away with the need for endless property adverts and pointless viewers’ appointments.

We will make a firm offer of a fair price in quick time, allowing you or your loved-one to move on to a new life in new surroundings.

When calling, please ask for our ‘Funding Care in Later Life’ service.